
From the Principal's Desk

“The Difference is Commitment”

“A school’s foundation is laid by its students as well as well – rounded faculty. I have always dreamt of developing a school where a child can acquire quality education and lessons for life. Character building and instilling moral values is the pivotal role for a school. I aspire to bridge the gap between school and college education. Education cannot be gained in a couple of days. It takes years of hardships, education and knowledge is imparted best in course of time with fun learning lessons and activity based learning.

Communication is major part of social skills. Education helps in developing the same. This student friendly curriculum not only involves classroom teaching and taking assessment exams but multifaceted development where students undergo research tasks, scientific discovery, innovative thinking and curiosity to learn more.

I would take this opportunity to thank Mr. A. N. Panday for his invaluable support and guidance and my team for helping in every endeavour. We welcome your interest in our school.”

Santosh Kumar Pandey (M.sc, B.Ed)
Principal | RK Public School

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