

VISIONMentor each child to be a achiever in life. Our vision is to produce fine young students who are highly preparing to compete in this modern world and ready to become positive & productive leaders in today’s global society.

MISSION: Our mission is to Inspire, Encourage and Guide our students to

LEARNERTake responsible for learning, develop intellectual curiosity and become life – long learners

THINKERBe a creative, innovative and logical thinker

COMMUNICATION : Think, speak and write with precision, clarity and independence

DISCIPLINEPractice self – discipline, be organized and lead a healthy & balanced life

PERSEVERANCEThe tenacity to hold on to your aspirations against all odds

LEADERImbibe strong ethics, rational decision making and leadership with a sense of team work

EMPATHYUnderstand others perspective and grow along

NATUREDiscover, Value and nurture the individual’s area of excellence

DISCIPLINEPractice self – discipline, be organized and a healthy & balanced life.

INTEGRITYAdhering to principles and righteousness

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